
Angelo Porazzi





Event Calendar 2020

Area Autoproduzione

Collaborations, Interviews and LINKS

To see a larger image of the 120 races available, just click on the picture above. You can request your customized box of Create YOUR Warangel receiving your races as you see here:

VIDEO Warangel 25th Anniverary Box on YouTube Channel "Angelo Porazzi Illustrations"


First Edition of Warangel was published in 1996 with the first 10 Races forming the 1st Generation.

Warangel counts now 12 Generations and 120 races, all translated and available in English.
Create YOUR Warangel service, you can choose and request you favourite races, from any Generation, mounted on painted woodenblocks, the result is this:

Here find many SAMPLES with Photo of painted and mounted races, a short description and pictures of many Maps to help your choose.

In the following list, find the name of each warrior, the sector of Earth illustrated on each Map to give you further info to choose your favourites.

Follow your instinct and Create YOUR Warangel!

For any info and orders just write here, you are welcome


You can request all the materials, Races, Maps, you like and receive at your address:  PayPal available, shipping worldwide.


Four samples of races you can choose and request one per one, mounted on painted woodenblocks with Create YOUR Warangel. From above: Insects, Chelates, Gladiators and Eagles. To see other SAMPLES, just click on the link.


INSECTS Mantid 5 - Scrabble 5 - Wasp 8 - Ant 10
TENTACULATES Tentaculated 7- Octopus 6- Sepia 7- Calamar 11
GHOSTS Ghost 4 - Vampire 6 - Skeleton 7 - Undead 10(11)
FELINIANS Lion 5 - Tiger 6 - Cheetah 8 - Puma - 12
BARBARIANS Barbarian 5- Mammuth 6- Reindeer 8- Alberdier 11
CENTAURS Centaur 5 - Unicorn 6 - Sagittarius 8 - Maned 11
NINJA Ninja 4 - Dragon 6 - Bladelauncher 9 - Nunchako 11
SIRENS Siren 6 - Enchanter 6 - Shark 7 - Nymph 12
GLADIATORS Gladiator 5 - WarHound 7 - Lancer 8 - Bulldog 11
EAGLES Eagle 5 - Condor 7 - Archer 8 - Hawkman 11

MAPS: Insects (Sudan), Tentaculates (Italy), Ghosts (European Russia), Felinians (Kenia), Barbarians (Norway), Centaurs (France), Ninja (Japan), Sirens (Denmark), Gladiators (England), Eagles (West USA).


Chelates, one of the most known and appreciated army of the 2nd Generation. See here their presentation together with many other SAMPLES.


CHELATES Chelate 5 - Skorpion 8 - Crab 6 - Acarid 11
RATS Rat 8 - Spider 5 - Worm 6 - Mouse 12(13)
SAURIANS T-Rex 3 - Triceratop 6 - Pteranodon 6 - Raptor 12
MISTICS Mistic 3 - Sacerdotess 3 - Cobra 6 - Adeptus 12
REPTILIANS Turtle 5 - Crocodile 6 - Anaconda 6 - Tortroise 11
ALIENS Mother 3 - Rayer 6 - Larvid 4(8) - Alien 11(12)
AUSTRALS Austral 6 - Kangaroo 8 - Emù 7 - Aboriginal 12
HYDRAS Hydra 4(8) - Jelly 8 - Coral 5 - Seaweed 12
POLARS Polar 5 - WhiteBear 5 - KillerWhale 6 - Penguin 12
RASTA Rasta 6 - Ape 6 - Canna 8 - Masai 12

MAPS: Chelates (Iraq), Rats (Vietnam), Saurians (south USA), Mystics (Tibet), Reptilians (Central America), Aliens (Rio Parana'), Australs (South Australia), Hydras (East Australia), Polars (Baffin Bay), Rasta (Amazons River).

With 2nd Generation you get new fantastic warriors with incredible characteristics and new mental weapons, such as Mental Forms of Mystics or Reptilians, teleports... to groove your tactical possibilities.

Gods' Army, is together with Templars, Valkyries, Tearers one of the most requested Races of this Generation.


TEMPLARS Templar 2 - WingedHorse 6 - Crossbowman 6 - Squire 12
VALKYRIES Valkyrie 6 - Dragon 7 - Vulcanoid 5 - SheSoldier 12
CHAOTICS Elf 5 - Ogre 6 - Wolfrat 8 - Goblin 12
TAURIANS Taurus 5 - Ram 7 - Gazzelle 7 - Bullock 11
RODENTS Hareman 7 - Porcupine 7 - Beaver 6 - Prickle 12
AMPHIBIANS Toad 7 - Salamander 7 - Chamaleon 6 - Frog 11
GODS Zeus 3 - Aeol 5 - Ermes 6 - Ares 12
TEARERS Slasher 5 - Caller 5 - Monster 5 - Tearer 10
PLANTS Treeman 6 - Carnivorous 6 - Moulder 4(8) - Bramble 12
MASTERS Master 2 - Archangel 9 - Leotaurus 5 - Disciple 10(12)

MAPS: Templars (Alps Mountains), Valkyries (Iceland), Chaotics (Germany), Taurians (Spain), Rodents (Canada), Amphibians (Brazil), Gods (Greek), Tearers (Gobi Desert Asia), Plants (Asiatic Russia), Masters (Israel).

Porks riding their giant Warthogs, are among the most requested, together with Northerners and Warbeast.


ATLANTEANS Triton 5 - Whale 5 - SeaHorse 6 - Dolphin 12
SAVANNERS Giraffe 6 - Buffalo 6 - Gnu 7 - Zebra 11
PORKS Pork 7 - Warthog 6 - WildBoar 7 - Pig 12
ABISSALS Spermwhale 4 - Kraken 5 - Swallower 7 - SeaViper 12
SULTANS Sultan 2 - Griphoon 5(6) - Dromedair 7(8) - Odalisque 11(12)
DIAMONDS Diamond 4 - Quartz 7 - Amethyst 5 - Granite 10
SORCERESSES Sorcerer 3 - Cyclop 6(6) - Arphy 8(8) - Raven 12(13)
PRIMITIVES Megaterium 4 - Brontoterium 6 - Diatrima 7- Smilodon 12
NORTHERNERS Odine 2 - Thor 5 - Loky 5 - Valkyrie 11
SnakeShark 1 - Jablo2 - GigaTroll3 - MegaMouth 4 - Facotoron 5 - Umutant 10


MAPS: Atlanteans (Cabo Verde islands), Savanners (Cameroun), Porks (East USA), Abyssals (Philippine islands), Sultans (Arabian peninsula), Diamonds (south Africa), Sorceresses (Danubio valley), Primitives (Alaska), Northeners (Groenland), Warbeast (Atlantis).

Redskins placed on Little Big Horn Map, facin' Immortals, ready on their Highlands map. Both these huge armies are from 5th Generation. See here a BATTLE SAMPLE of this historical match. Other belowed and requested races are Egyptians and Samurai.


TORPEDOES Torpedo 5 - Manta 6 - SawFish 6 - SpikedSkate 12
SAMURAI Samurai 6 - Fumage 4 - Gheisha 5 - Dragonarcher 11
NIGHTLIES BalckCat 7 - Owl 5 - Nocturians 6 - Bat 12
EGYPTIANS Horus 3 - Sobek 6 - Anubi 4 - Sphinx 13
IMMORTALS Immortal 5 - Druid 3 - Nessie 8(8) - Brave 12
BUTTERFLIES Swallowtail 7-SkyWing 4-Vanessa 7-Cabbager 12
HUNTERS Wolf 5 - Hyena 7 - Fox 6 - Coyote 11
ARMOURED Gliptodon 5 - Tridacna 5 - Nautilus 7 - Pangoline 12
REDSKINS Bison 5 - Grizzly 5 - Hawk 6 - Wapity 12
WARMACHINE Molock 1 - Piranha 2 - Falcon 3 - Aracno 4 - Mangusta 5 - Skorpion 10


MAPS: Torpedoes (Ands), Samuari (China), Nightlies (Turkey), Egyptians (Nile's valley), Immortals (Highlands), Butterflyes (Venezuela), Hunters (North USA), Armoured (New Zeland), Redskins (Little Big Horn), Warmachine (Manhattan).

Pirates of 6th Generation on their Caraibbean islands, blocking 4 Blue Holes of their map.


MAGES Mage 3 - LightinDragon 6(6) - Fairy 4 - Armour 12(12)
PACHIDERMS Elephant 4 - Rhino 5 - Hyppo 6 - Bufaga 12
INDIANS Kali 5 - Ganesh 6 - Ananta 5 - Demon 12(12)
METALLICS Thrower 4 - Anvil 5 - Hammer 6 - Nail 12
GLACIALS Stainbock 5 - Yak 6 - SnowLeopard 8 - Yeti 12
PIRATES Ara 7 - Muraena 5 - SailFish 7 - Macaco 12
ELEMENTAS Fire 3 - Air 5 - Water 7 - Earth 13
MONKEYS Orango 5 - Mandrillo 4 - Baboon 7 - Gibbon 12
COSMICS Cosmic 5 - Equilibrator 5 - Raclaimer 4 - Biosurgeon 12
WARDAEMON Devastator 1 - Death 2 - Hunter 3 - Dominatrix 4 - Grasshopper 5 - Cerberus 10

MAPS: Mages (Caucaso), Pachyderms (Congo-Zaire), Indians (India), Metallics (NewYork, USA East), Pirates (Caraibbean islands), Elementals (Tierra del Fuego), Monkeys (Borneo), Cosmics (Cosmo Desert, Australia), Wardaemon (Ades).

Cool and crazy races of 7th Generation live also on illustrations of PeaceBowl, a complete boxed game of 2003. 4 Races in a Football Field with 4 End Zones and only 1 ball... Peace, Love... Fight!



GOBLINS Skullcrusher 6 - Roteator 6 - Spitter 7 - Gnawer 13
HALF-ELVES HalfElf 6 - Evocator 5 - SwanWoman 7 - Halfling 12
BOMB BURP DWARVES BombBurper 7 - GiantMole 6 - Cook 4 - Dwarf 12
MUSHROOMS Mushman 7(7) - Porcine 7 - Peyote 5 - Sawyer 12
FLYING SMOKERS of the IMPOSSIBLE FlyingSmoker 4 - Genetist 5 - Colourist 6 - Freak 12
SHADOWS Shadow 2 - Golem 7 - Loi 7 - Halloween 12
SEAMONKEYS SeaMonkey 6 - SeaLion 5 - SharkTiger 6 - Barracuda 12
VAMPIRES Mosquito 8 - Bug 5 - Dragonfly 6 - Flea 12
COWRIDERS Cowrider 6 - FlyingCow 7 - Boassa 6(8) - Jaboas 12
VIRTUABEASTS PacStation 1 - DumMuker 2 - Convincitor 3 -  Wrestek 4 - Joker 5 - Jessica 10

MAPS: Goblins (Rome), Half-Elves (Tuscany-Emilia)), Nani (Sardinia), Funghetti (Liguria-Piedmont), Flying Smokers (Lombardy), Ombre (Hawaii), Seamonkeys (Sicily), Vampires (Nuova Zelanda), Cowriders (Venice Gulf)Virtuabeasts (Tokyo).


Here the Birds' Army with their mighty Quetzalcoatlus. Together with Artropods and Giants are among the most requested of these races.


GIANTS Hurricane 4 - Mountain 4 - Lava 5 - Giant 12
ARTROPODS SpiderOgre 6 - Lobster 6 - Scolopendra 7 - Centipede 12
SOLARS Sun 3(3) - Aurea 5(5) - Ray 7(7) - Reflex 12(12)
COLONZERS Quadropod 4 - Bipod 4 - Aeroslide 4 - Colonizer 19
FLUIDIANS Fluidian 6(6) -GiantSlug 6(6) - Snail 7(7) - Amoeba 12(12)
BIOENGINEERS Queen 5(5) - UV 7(7) - Enzime 7(7) - Virus 12(12)
DOWNUNDERS Cricket 6 - MoleCricket 6 - Acid 9 - Termite 12
FLOWERS Rafflesia 6 - Orchyd 5 - Rose 7 - Cannabis 13
BIRDS Albatros 5 - Quetzalcoatlus 4 - Ostrich 7 - FeatheredSnake 12
FISHES Fighter 7 - Electric 7 - SharkWhale 5 - FlyingFish 12

MAPS: Giants (Kamchakta), Artropods (Mongolia), Solars (North Sahara), Colonizers (Jacuzia), Fluidians (Finland), Bioengineers (Ontario), Undergrounders (South Sahara), Flowers (Mato Grosso), Birds (Ands -Macchu Picchu), Fishes (Malaysia).

Warriors of Warangel 8th Generation are also represented on WARANGEL CARD GAME HASBRO, first selfproduced game in Italy picked up for National Distribution by Hasbro Italy on 2002, created and illustrated by Angelo Porazzi.

Ultrasonics, the winged panthers on their map: Catingas, South America.

Dragon Women invades the cold territory of Tunguska River and face the fury of the Stars, with their Comets and Meteors.


CHIMERAS LionChimera 5 - Scorpion 5 - Dragonfly 5 - Chimera 12 (12)
VENOMIANS Basiliscus 6 - Migale 5 - Mamba 8 - Bombo 11
SEASONS Spring 4 - Summer 6 - Wnter 6 - Autunmn 12
THUNDRIANS Moose 6 - Glutton 6 - LeapardSeal 7 - Otter 11
STARS Star 5 - Comet 4 - Meteor 7(7) - Meteorite 11(11)
DESERTICS Saguar 6 - Eloderm 5 - RattleSnake 5 - Linx 13
ATOMICS Atomic 5 Cloud  5 - Accelerator 6 - Atomic Mine 12
ULTRASONICS Ultrasonic 5 - RiverDolphin 6 - Screamer 6 - Furia 10
SNAKES RoyalCobra 5 - Ouroboros 6 - SeaSnake 7 - Aspid 12
DRAGONWOMEN DragonWoman5 - AirDragon 5 - SeaDragon 7 - DragonMan11

MAPS: Chimeras (Africa Okawango marshes, Victoria Falls), Venomians ( North Australia), Seasons (Poland), Thundrians (PeaceRiver, USA-Canada), Stars (Tunguska river and forest, Siberia), Desertics (Mexico), Atomics (Iran), Ultrasonics (Catingas, South America), Snakes (Jakarta), Dragon Women (Ayers'Rock, Central Australia).


rCivilizers of 10th Generation as they come with the service Create YOUR Warangel. They can build "roads" to change Maps in the game.


GORGONS Gorgon 6 - Oloturia 5 - Leech 7 - Lamprey 12
SARGONIDIANS Astarte 5 - Adad 5 - Sargonidian 9 - CowGoat 12
BONELORDS BoneLord 6 - BoneDragon 5 - Skinner 7 - Rider 12
DREAMERS Dreamer 5 - Awakener 4 - Dancer 8 - Seagull 12
KAPPA Kappa 4 - Manuka 5 - Dominator 7 - Triko 12
HEROES Hercules 4 - Bellerofon 5 - Perseus 6 - Orpheus 12
ARBOREANS Koala 7 - Eucaliptus 5 - Squirrell 8 - Opossum 12(12)
ATHENE NOCTUE Athena 6 - Enlighterer 5 - Olive 7 - Noctua 13
CIVILIZERS Centurion 3 - Centiman Slave 7(7) - Bicefalus 6 - Legionarius 12
MAGNETICS Magnetic 5 - Male 6 - Female 6 - Magnet 12

MAPS: Gorgons (Creta Island), Sargonidians (Ninive, Iraq), BonerLords (Tajmir, Siberia), Dreamers (Antartica), Kappa (Area 51, Nevada), Heroes (Crimea, BlackSea), Arboreans (South-East Australia, Sidney), Athene Noctue (Athen), Civilizers (Chartago), Magnetics (Queen Elizabeth Islands, North Pole).


The XiAn map of Chineses is invaded by Abyssals who avoid Great Wall's rests (on ther right side) and use the river to siege the fortress near the water.


PRIMORDIALS Primordial 5 - Dinichtys 5 - Trilobit 6 - Glomeris 11
ASIATICS Panda 5 - WhiteTiger 5 - Camel 6 - Tapir 13
BLUE GECKOS BlueGecko 6 - Godvara 4 - Varan 7 - Gecko 13
DOGS GreatDane 5 - St.Bernard 5 - Dobermann 7 - Greyhound 11
CONQUISTADORES Conquistador 5 - Convertitor 4 - Toucan 7 - Arquebuser11
CHINESES Emperor 3 - Dragon 5 - Mula 7 - Terracotta 12(13)
FORTUNERS Swallower 6 – Stercorarius 6 - LadyBug 6 - Quatrefoil 9
TIMELORDS Ancient 4 - Adult 6 - Young 7 - Child 12
MARSHIES MonkFish 5 - LanternFish 5 - Pike 8 - HorseFly 10
COLORS Rainbow 4 - Clown 7 - Mask 4 - Harlequin 11

MAPS: Primordials (Papua-Salomon Islands), Asiatics (Tarim desert-TianShan), Bkue Gekos (Komodo Archipelago), Dogs (Afghanistan), Conquistadores (from Salvador to Sao Paulo), Chineses (XiAn), Fortuners (Etiopia-Somalia), TimeLords (from Seattle to Nechako Plateau), Marshies (Korea), Colors (Madagascar).

The map of Attica of Spartans, to recreate the battle of Thermopilae pass, the passage between sea and mountains on the North. On the right the plain of Marathona and the Radioactive Cloud of Athen.

Same Map seen from the North, to close up the Thermopylae pass, where Leonida is ready to impact the Shythed Rhinos of Persians. Serse is on the right, well protected by gigantic Abominiums and his pletora of Archers.



SPARTANS Leonida 1 - Spartan 3 - Phalanx 6 - Sparta 6 - Oplite 12
PERSIANS Xerxes 1 - Immortal 7 - Shythed Rhino 4 - Abominium 4 - Persian Archer 14
ANGELS Michael 1 (the War-Angel itself) - Gabirel 4 - Uriel 4 - Raphael 4 - Guardian Angels12
JAPPO Sojobo 1 (King of Tengu) - Tengu 5 - Oni 4 - Urusei 6 - Bird Tengu 11
MAYA Balam 1 (Giaguar God) - Giaguar 5 - Black Panther 7 - Chac (Rain God) 4 - YumKaa (Mais God) 12
CELTS Epona 1 (Goddess of horses) - Celtic Fairy 7 - Alicorn 5 - Cerunno 7 - Lug 12
REDEEMEDS Ulut-El 1 (The Redeemed Daemon) - Redeemed 6 - Exorcist 6 - Ulut 7 - Damned 10
TROLLS Blackstorm 1 (Armed with T-Rex Mace), ConTroller 5, PaTroll 6, WizardTroll 5, TwilighTroll 12
NEREIDS Amphitrite 1 - Nereid 5 - Starfish 6 - Anemone 7 - Sea Urchin 12
ENLIGHTENED ONES Enlightened One 1 - Bonzo 4 - Teacher 4 - DragonTiger 8 - Reborn 12

MAPS: Spartans (Attica, from Corinto to Thermopylae pass), Persians (From Ur to Persepolis), Angels (Jerusalem), Jappo (Hokkaido, North Japan Island), Maya (Yucatan), Celts (Belgium), Redeemeds (Nuclear Test Area, near Area 51), Trolls (Sakhalin, Russia), Nereids (Ciclades), Enlightened Ones (Ganges-Brahmaputra).

Leonida and his faithful Spartans, protected by their Brozen Shields, face the Impact. On the North the elite corp of Immortal Persians pass through the mountains to sorround greek's army.

You can request all the materials, Races, Maps, you like, PayPal available, shipping worldwide everyday.

Simply write your order here, you are welcome


Here the Hall of Fame with the National Tournaments winners to show you the balancement among the Generations and the Races choosed by these gamers:

2000 - EAGLES, 1st Generation - Alex Leati from Bologna - in Ludex Bologna, Bologna
2001 - TEMPLARS, 3rd Generation - Marco Vaccari from Verona - in Lucca Comics & Games, Lucca
2002 - SOLARS, 8th Generation - Richard Doni from Veduggio - in ModCon, Modena
2003 - NORTHERNERS, 4th Generation - Richard Doni from Veduggio - in Giochi Sforzeschi, Milano
2004 - GHOSTS, 1st Generation - Corrado Diodà from Milano - in ModCon, Modena
2005 - ARTROPODS, 8th Generation - Andrea Ligabue from Modena - in ModCon, Modena
2006 - ARBOREANS, 10th Generation - Davide Taverna from Milano - in ModCon, Modena
2007 - VALKIRIES, 3rd Generation - Nicola Brutti from Marmirolo - in LudicaMente, Mantova 
2008 - INSECTS, 1st Generation - Marco Valtriani from Pisa - in LudicaMente, Mantova
2009 - ANGELS, 12th Generation - Marco Valtriani from Pisa - in Ludica Festival del Gioco, Milano
2010 - INDIANS, 6th Generation - Mauro Adorna from Gravellona - in Ludica Festival del Gioco, Milano
2011 - BIRDS and TEMPLARS tie, 8th and 3rd Generation - Mirko di Lillo from Caserta and Stefano Marelli from Sondrio - Ludica, Milano
2012 - GIANTS, 8th Generation - Stefano Marelli from Sondrio - Ludica Festival del Gioco, Milano
2013 - BIOENGINEERS, 8th Generation - Stefano Marelli and Chiara Barri from Sondrio - San Marino Game Convention
2014 - FLYING SMOKERS, 7th Generation - Stefano Marelli from Sondrio - San Marino Game Convention
2015 - CHINESES, 11th Generation - Rachele Della Morte from Milano - PLAY Modena
2016 - EGYPTIANS and TEARERS tie, 5th and 3rd Generation - Matteo Gatti and Matteo Romano from Brescia - EXPO Model Show, Milano
2017 - TUNDRIANS and PLANTS tie, 9th and 3rd Generation - Kelly Bagiana from Milano and Alessandro La Valle from Roma - Romics, Roma
2018 - TROLL, 12th Generation - Luca Norelli from Lucignano - Chimera Comix, Arezzo
2019 - TEMPLARS and CHELATES tie, 3rd and 2nd Generation - Emiliano Bellani and Alberto Alagna - Casale Comics&Games, Alessandria
2020 - SPARTANS and MAGES tie, 12th and 6th Generation - Luigi Murgo from Manfredonia and Stefano Tiribocchi from Roma - Ludoteque La Civetta, Roma
2021 - REPTILIANS and HUNTERS tie, 2nd and 5th Generation - Luigi Purgato from Verona and Luigi Murgo from Manfredonia - Ludoteque La Città del Gioco, Milano
2022 - MYSTICS, 2nd Generation - Roberto Beretta da Milano - Ludoteque La Città del Gioco, Milano
2023 - INSECTS 1st Generation - Luciano Foglio da Rivolta d'Adda - Rivolta d'Adda NERD, Cremona
2024 - FISHES and ALIENS tie, 8th and 2nd Generation Ivanet Niage from Novara and Luigi Murgo from Manfredonia - Milano Wargames, Novegro

The Map Collector showing last Map of 1st Generation (USA west with Grand Canyon and California separated by San .Andreas chasm, perfect land for Eagles) and 1st Map of 2nd Generation (Iraq, with Tigris and Euphrates rivers and a large sector of desert, specialzation terrain for Chelates' Army).

1) Warangel Rulebook with its plastic sleeves may contain many reference Sheets you choose. Warangel Box contains the Rulebook and many Races you choose, kits with premounted, painted woodenpawns, ready to play.


For gamers who like to collect the great number of Races and Maps available in Warangel universo, is available this Map Collector with Logo and illustrations of the game, on Cover and Back.

It is really useful to collect A3 format plastic shields that perfectly contains and protect the Warangel hexed Maps. You can open the metal rings and take the Maps you will choose for each battle. During your battles, use your Maps inside their plastic shields, this will protect them perfectly.

2) The Box, containing the Rulebook and the Races, fits perfectly inside the Map Collector which keeps in order every choosed Map thanks to the metal ring and perfectly protects the Box with a cover that is much more resistant of the Box itself.

3) The Map Collector, folded, perfectly holds the Box and every element of the game choosed by the player: the Reference Sheets, the Races, the Maps you can choose to "Create YOUR Warangel".

WARANGEL New Maps: Atlantis, Manhattan, Hades, Tokyo

In 2016, to celebrate 20 Years of Warangel, 4 New Maps are illustrated: ATLANTIS for Warbeasts, MANHATTAN for Warmachines, HADES for Wardaemons, TOKYO for Virtuabeasts. These 4 historical "Monster Races" have now their Maps, Reference Sheets and Wooden Pawns to play them just like any other Warangel Race. On Map of Atlantis, raised from ocean, you see the circular harbors described by Plato and Poseidon Temple in the center; in Manhattan find the crumbles of all you know, Empire State Building, the crushed bridges, Statue of Liberty; in Hades the Phlegethon sorrounding the Tartarus, the rivers Acheron, Styx and Lethe, where the souls drink to loose their memories and reincarnate... On Map of Tokyo the airport with its airstrips, the Rainbow Bridge, the SkyTree Tower, the Imperial Palace... Also the ruins of Gundam:) For any info or order, always: anporaz@libero.it