PRIMORDIALS Primordial 5 - Dinittid 5 - Trilobit 6 - Sferoid 11
ASIATICS Panda 5 - WhiteTiger 5 - Camel 6 - Tapir 13
BLUE GEKOS BlueGeko 6 - Godvara 4 - Varan 7 - Geko 13
DOGS GreatDane 5 - S.Bernard 5 - Dobermann 7 - Greyhound 11
CONQUISTADORES Conquistador 5-Convertitor4-Toucan7-Arquebuser11
CHINESES Emperor 3 - Dragon 5 - Mula 7- Terracotta 12(13)
FORTUNERS Swallower 6 – Stercorarius 6 - LadyBug 6 - Fourleaved 9
TIMELORDS Ancient 4 - Adult 6 – Young 7 - Child 12
MARSHIES FisherFrog 5 - Photophorus 5 - Pike 8 - Gad-Fly 10
COLORS Rainbow 4 - Clown 7 - Mask 4 - Harlequin 11
Tournament Races are the result of years of playtest to balance at best
Warangel Armies.
The Master of each race must be added to each formation.
Numbers in brackets indicate maximum number of warriors of that casta you may
reach during battle. Tournament Races can be required already mounted on
painted woodenblocks with the service Create YOUR Warangel, following these
formations, always updated, that are official armies for tournaments.
For any
info: anporaz@libero.it