Andreas Seyfarth author of Puerto
Rico was so gently, one of my best memories of my
Essen 2005. He heard with attention at one of my
thousands demo games of TATATA!, he showed
interest for the game and wish to buy his own
copy. He also wished to have my sign on the
little red box: in that moment my legs was
trembling for emotion: a such important author
and so a simple and friendly person. He was host
for second time at our most important luding con
in Italy, ModCon, and says he will be present all
next years due he really appreciate ouf
"Italian Passion" in creating games and
our way to live this luding world.

Here Martin from Germany (the one
covered by gamer with blue shirt) is explaining
all my games to interested gamers. He meet me in
Essen 2004 and appreciated all of my games,
starting from Warangel he appreciates most,
PeaceBowl that is explaining here and the latest
TATATA! for which he wrote the german
translation. The german boxes of TATATA! really
flied away, mostly in first two hours of the fair
while I was just decorating booth's wall!

Here is one of my distributor in far
Japan, kind Kanako Wakuy from Tokyo that was
really interested in TATATA!, wrote me before
Essen and meet me at my booth to take the game in
distribution. Back Fabrizio Paoli with TShirt of
Da Vinci, one of our members that will judge the
Best Italian Game 2005 and will cure the show
"Made in Italy" in LuccaGames 2005
where the best italian games distributed in the
world will be shown.

Here at my booth we have Roberto
Saranga, one of best game communicators in Italy
(colonnello Vincent on BGG), focused not only on
boardgames but also and mostly on Abstract Games:
he cures the website Abstracta that try to spread
ancient mastrepieces like GO in a country like
Italy who has a really young gaming culture. He
is inteviewed by Giorgia Pandolfo that cures the
website Eventi Ludici, in my personal opinion one
of best Italian journalist: very young but very
active in every single luding con, she was at her
first Essen, interviewing the large number of
Italians that received big attention also from
German journalists.

Here we are in one of our after-fair
evenings: host in Pinocchio restaurant, just in
front of the fair, Matteo, Gianluca, Cristina,
Angelo and on the front the two Marios.

Another group that represent only a
part of the many italians gamers and authors
present at Essen 2005: from left the big head of
WarAngelo, Tinuz, MagoG an Mapa, Willy always
watching girls, Matteo, LucaS, Paoletta and
Vallerga, author of Daemonibus, in my opinion and
for my fantasy flavour, one of the best italian
game in the fair.
At the end, another brilliant
experience that I will remember for the friendly
contact and respect I received from such big
authors and journalists that found interest in my
games I love to create and illustrate, and in
general in Italian Games. To me only a word rests
in mind:
have to thank Knut Michael Wolf who published
this Photo Report on SpielBoxOnline
I am also gratefull to Jost Schwider of SpielBoxForum
that meet me many times and show lot of interest
on my games, he also wrote a really good intro on
Italian Games and a nice review of TATATA! here
http://www.schwider.de/spiel2005 . With
Jost at my booth, was created SpielePizza www.spielepizza.de a useful
site to present all interested italian authors
and games to german audience. I was honoured and
pleased to help with some ideas, contacts and
design the logo of this site that put together
Pizza and Beer!:)
TAkes off!

Tom of Boards&Bits, one of my
USA retailers (together with kind Nick Medinger
of Funagain that was so kind to meet me too,
FairPlayGames and GamesinaBox), celebrates the
visit at my booth 9-28 of extraordinary
Friedemann Friese.
This german author is one of the
most funny and genuine person I meet: he is much
more important than me but introduced himself
very easily and friendly, showing interest for
TATATA! and Warangel he bought both. His demo
booth was just at my left so I could appreciate
his map of Italy he realized for his game Power
Grid. He was so kind to sign a copy for me of his
Italian map that I will give to dear friend
Richard Doni, for two years Italian Champion of
Warangel and very deep fan of Friedman's games

WarAngelo, Manfred Rohmkopf,
journalist of Spielerei magazine and Jost of
SpielBox-Forum with the beautiful 3 pages review
of PeaceBowl wrote by kind Manfred who knew me at
Essen 2004. Manfred and Jost are among best
persons I meet in my two Essen Fairs, very
passionate of their communication work, they put
attention in selfproduced games and I am glad
Manfred follow my sufggestion to take a look to
new game of Matteo Panara and Mario Sacchi, two
italian authors that selfproduced BauSquitMiao, a
brand new game they asked me to illustrate.

Here we see an incredibly happy
Angelo Porazzi with kind Alan How of Counter
Magazine, another extremely kind journalist that
came to visit and meet at my booth. I found he is
an old knower of Warangel, he owns the game and
told me he has his armies mounted on the classic
woodenblocks now at their 16th re-order of
production. I never aspected such a big interest
around our italian games. Maybe we are on good

is Surace, one of best artists of Italian Nexus.
He played FullBack here in Italy years ago when I
was a 127 rating point Quarterback. Here he is
enjoining a PeaceBowl match where he plowed away
the poor Roberto Saranga that payed the price to
play against a real football player!;)

is his beautifull artwork: he was called by
Roberto di Meglio (Nexus boss) to paint all
armies of awarded War of The Ring. The big
battlefield full of colours and with the brand
new warriors, was one of the best in Essen 2005.

is Angelo Porazzi awarding Marco Maggi, one of
the three authors together with Di Meglio and
Nepitello of this great work. This game received
the IGA here in Essen: here Warangel, the Best
Italian Game 2000, is awarding War of the Ring,
the Best Italian Game of 2004 and now IGA 2005.
My compliments for these authors and friends of
Italian Nexus.